
How Innovative MindGenius Helps with Improve Productivity

Now that many of us are working at home for the foreseeable future, it is vital to improve productivity & remain positive in a new working environment. There are many ways to remain productive while working at home, many of which are discussed in our previous blog the world of telecommuting: A Guide to Handy Homeworking. However, if you are looking for a new way to improve your productivity, then MindGenius may be the answer.

improve productivity

Remote working presents its own unique challenges when compared to working in an office environment. It can be so easy to slip into a habit of rolling out of bed at 8:59am and starting your work for the day. However, regardless of how you start your remote day, using MindGenius will help organize your day from start to finish. Our customizable task board means you can organize and list every task by date and stage of completion. This eliminates the need for you to ask yourself “what should I be doing today?” or “is that me finished for the day?”. With MindGenius, you will already know.

Our Online product is perfect for remote working as it allows you to work together with your colleagues on the same project. The @Chat feature allows you to converse with your team-mates and get your thoughts and ideas written down, and improve productivity. MindGenius Online can easily be accessed by any device with a browser. So that wherever you are and whatever you are doing when you have that “Eureka” moment, you can take note of it inside your map.


From a management perspective, using a project management tool like MindGenius makes your life easier. Working from home means that managers now have to take into account they can’t keep an eye on their workers during office hours anymore, and as such there needs to be a great degree of trust between management and workers. However, you can use MindGenius Online to manage the team members on your project, look at everyone’s specific tasks for the day. This allows you to keep on top of your workload, achieve tight deadlines and improve productivity across the whole team.

Despite many of us being made to work remotely for the best part of 8 months now, there are many of us still struggling to adapt to this new way of working. It may be a while yet before we return to the office – if at all. Hence why it is important to begin each day by being organized and starting your day off the right way.

If you wish to know more about some of the great benefits of MindGenius, please feel free to have a look around our Website!