Event Planning - Don't Leave Anything To Chance

A successful event which runs smoothly relies on a great deal of organisation. Anyone who has ever planned one will tell you it can be a highly stressful task, there are a million things to consider, contingency plans for things outwith your control such as the great British weather going against you are a must and that it is never too early to start planning and organising.

The combination of planning and task management within MindGenius Online, make it the perfect platform for planning all kinds of events which could range from organising a major corporate do, to simply arranging a small get together for a special occasion.  For our purposes here though, I will focus on the former and how MindGenius Online can be an invaluable tool in those circumstances.

In the marketing world, events can play a key role in promotion plans and lead generation, with events ranging from attendance as an exhibitor or delegate to actually arranging events which you are hosting yourself.  In both cases, the starting point is always planning.


When attending as an exhibitor a lot of the pre planning work will have been done by the hosts such as venue consideration and health and safety assessments. However, as an attendee and exhibitor there is still a wealth of planning to be done. Consideration will need to be given to attendees and location along with travel and accommodation. Equipment required should also be considered early on in the process along with consideration given to shipping of these materials. Planning will also involve looking at the messaging required to determine if existing exhibition materials will be used or if new ones need to be produced. Thought will also be given to displays on the stand – is there a requirement for screens and sound and do these need to be shipped or can they be hired. There will also be a lot of work on promotion prior, to let people know you are attending and planning involves creating a promotion plan.


When hosting an event yourself, the planning involved will follow a similar pattern to attending as an exhibitor, however, prior to that, consideration will be given to venues, catering, AV equipment and how you will get people to sign up to exhibit or attend as delegates. 

Regardless of the type of event, planning is key and the areas I have outlined here are just some of the key things which need to be considered prior to attending or hosting an event. The results of the planning will build up a backlog of requirements which will be turned into tasks to be completed ahead of the event.  In addition, there will be activities to be managed during the event and post event there will be follow up with attendees to measure the success of the event and to follow up with contacts made.

So how do you manage all of these details and turn planning into a successful event? MindGenius Online lets you plan out all of the finer details and captures all of the requirements and ideas in one area and when you are ready to move onto task management, you can seamlessly transition to a task board or timeline to view all the outstanding tasks required and monitor progress. In addition, because MindGenius Online is a web based tool you can access from anywhere there is an internet connection, meaning you can access all of your event planning details and tasks while on the go.

So why wait, sign up for MindGenius Online for free and access our guide to planning and make sure your next one runs smoothly.

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