
3 mind map tips to get 2021 off to a better start

It’s fair to say that this year hasn’t been great for a large majority of us over the world. As many of us have begun adjusting to the new way of working, and getting used to a world with constant restrictions in place. However, at the turn of the year there is always hope that “this year will be better than the previous one” and in the case of 2020, it wouldn’t take much. Hopefully, with the help of these mind map tips you can get 2021 off to a flying start and achieve your desired goals.

1. Be organized in everything you do.

Organization of priorities is an essential element of task management. Having a list which can be ticked off as you go along gives a sense of satisfaction that things are moving forward in the right direction.

There are a number of ways to organize a task list. Good old fashioned pen and paper is still an option, as are using standard desktop tools such as Word and Excel. However, these are extremely limiting and it therefore difficult to effectively collaborate. They also provide limited access to a team as they are often a unique To Do List for an individual. Utilizing some project management principles, such as organizing a task list into a customizable Taskboard offers a more visual and collaborative way of working.

Being organized like this helps you manage your workload and feel comfortable while doing your work rather than feeling stressed, rushing to complete deadlines and your quality of work suffering as a consequence. You could use some of our Mind Maps tips to do this.

2. Break down your goals

It’s crucial that you don’t set yourself a goal too big too early. This will only cause more stress in your life and force you to give up too easily. All things take time and whatever you are planning for this year is no different.

It is important to break down a challenge into smaller, more manageable tasks. When exploring and breaking down any business challenge, you will build an exhaustive list of things which could be done. However, achieving them all is not always feasible. Being able to then identify what should be done is key to being able to organize and prioritize workload and achieve a successful outcome.

Taking a massive list of possible tasks and assigning some categorization to them will enable you to determine what should be done.  Categorizing with an impact and effort scale will help you to organize your workload by giving priority to those tasks identified which will have the maximum impact on your goal but require the smallest effort to complete, ensuring you are working on the rights tasks at the right time to achieve your aim. Breaking down your goals in a massive part of using MindGenius, and you could know more about this using our Mind Map tips blog.

3. Note take and review – Mind Map Tips

Taking part in self-evaluation is the only way you will truly meet your goals. Take time to sit down and review areas where you have done well and also where you can do better. This will not only give you the impetus to get back track if you’re struggling to reach your goal, but might also give you the push you need to go even further if you’re doing better than you thought. There are numerous ways to review the work that you’ve done, such as writing in a journal, having a review with your peers or colleagues, or to using mind map tips.

Whatever your goal is for this coming year, we hope that you strive to achieve it in the best way you can. If you would like to know more on achieving your goals and how to find motivation you can do so by scrolling through our other blogs!