Employee Onboarding

New employee onboarding begins before someone even starts on their first day and continues beyond that throughout their first year in an organisation. The purpose is to create a welcoming atmosphere and helps them acclimatise to life in the new organisation.
MindGenius can help you structure the full employee onboarding process by planning out requirements and managing the process through resultant tasks.   

Mind Mapping:​

To ensure a new employee feels welcomed and part of an organisation quickly, you need to put things in place at 4 crucial stages:

• Pre-arrival
o Include things like ensuring a desk is available and all necessary workstation equipment is all set up. Also ensure a receptionist is aware of the start date and the new employee’s arrival on that date so they are welcomed and their arrival doesn’t come as a surprise. 

• Day 1
o Ensure the new start is shown around the building, including introductions. Provide a thorough overview of the job role and outline key information.
• End of probation period
o Hopefully all has gone now well and you can inform the employee that they have completed their probation period successfully.

• End of year 1
o This is where you can complete an end of year 1 review on what is working, what isn’t and agree goals and actions for the coming year.  You can then move into standard regular performance reviews with the employee. 

Scoping the requirements for each of these out in a mind map helps provide structure and keeps you organised throughout the process.  It also ensures you can assign tasks to anyone who will be involved at any stage of the process.  ​

Task Management:
Utilising MindGenius for your employee onboarding ensures you can plan out the requirements for each stage of the process and manage the resultant tasks to everyone who will be involved at each stage. 
Download MindGenius for free (no credit card required) for 14 days and use for managing all of your HR processes with the built in templates or quickly and easily build your own based on your processes.