Exit Interviews

An exit interview is a essentially a lessons learned session where you have the chance to learn why someone wants to leave an organisation, but more importantly, what you can learn from that to improve for the future. 

Mind Mapping:
As you will be capturing information quickly during this discussion, a mind map is the ideal tool to do so.  Structure your questions in advance so you can have a free discussion during the exit interview and capture the employee responses as you go through the session.
The MindGenius template for handling exit interviews is split into 10 key questions which guide the interview process and provide actionable information you can work with moving forward.
1. Why did you begin looking for a new job?
2. During your time in the business, what aspects worked well and what could have been done better?
3. Do you feel you had the resources and support necessary to accomplish your job? If not, what was missing?
4. What did you like most about your job?
5. What did you dislike about your job? What would you change about your job?
6. Were your job responsibilities characterised correctly during the interview process and orientations?
7. Did you have clear goals and know what was expected of you in your job?
8. Did you receive adequate feedback about your performance day-to-day and in the performance development planning process?
9. What are they key qualities and skills we should seek in your replacement?
10. Can you offer any other comments that will enable us to understand why you are leaving, how we can improve and what we can do to become a better company?
Actionable plans:
The point of the exit interview is to learn from the experience and obtain information about what your organisation is doing well and where there is room for improvement.  Therefore, any responses should be reviewed and where appropriate, actions assigned in areas that can be improved upon both in the short and long term.
In MindGenius – you can seamlessly turn the actions arising from the exit interview into tasks to be managed. 
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