
How to Maintain your Motivation and Achieve Your Goals.

Banishing the Blues with Goals

As February gets underway, many of us have already given up on our previously well-thought out, “achievable” goals for this year. In fact, research would suggest that 80% of us give up on our New Year’s resolutions by February. However, it’s not too late to get back on track and there are many ways to increase your motivation and productivity, both in the workplace and at home. Hopefully, this blog will hopefully provide you with the motivation to banish those blues and get back to greatness.

  • Small Alterations.

Even the slightest of alterations to a routine can have a huge change in your motivation. It can range from something from getting up half an hour earlier in the morning to changing your Mindset. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve changed when I go to the gym from the evenings after work, to mornings before work. The effect this has had on my attitude towards both the gym and my work is staggering; even if it means struggling to climb the stairs in the morning. I feel better mentally, can go to work feeling refreshed and no longer have to dread going home and heading straight out the door again.

Admittedly, not everyone has the chance to change their routine like this. However, by making the smallest of alterations to your day, whether it be planning ahead, setting priorities or even spending a little extra money on yourself now and again, it goes a long way to rediscovering your motivation, improving your mood and generally making your life more enjoyable.

  • The Power of Sharing.

As motivated as you might be, you may need support from those around you to achieve your goals. Friends and Colleagues (even the annoying ones) are an important part of everyday life. And there are many reasons to share your goals with that of a friend or colleague. Yes, we all listed our resolutions in January, but how many of us actually specified what exactly what our end goal was and the timeframe in which to do it? Sharing your goals with a friend or colleague allows you to frame your goals much clearer than before, and could be the motivational spark you need to get back on track.

  • Plan, Plan, Plan.

There are many elements involved in the planning process; The 5W’s for example. While there are many, many areas of your life that you can plan out, one thing that goes without saying is the importance of having a plan in the first place. Whether you’re planning out a project, an event or your goals for the week/month/year, the actual planning of it cannot be underestimated. Stating clear and precise objectives, anticipating moments you may fail and having a contingency plan in place for when you do can all help maintain your motivation and achieve your goals.


While it is difficult for everyone to maintain their goals once the status quo resumes, there are certain methods you can try to stay committed to your objectives;

  1. Make small changes to your daily routine.
  2. Have a friend/colleague to help you achieve your goal.
  3. Have a plan in place that covers exactly what you need.

Hopefully this blog will inspire you to maintain your goals and stick to your resolutions for 2020. If readers require any templates to help plan their goals, the MindGenius “My Goals” template can be found here.