
Happy Homeworking: The Complete MindGenius’ Guide

Another week of homeworking? We know the effects that homeworking can have both physically and mentally on you. This blog is designed to help alleviate some of the stress caused by the current circumstances and help those at home to be at ease in a new working environment.

Homeworking problems

As previously mentioned, working from home can have its problems for many of you transitioning from office life. Remote working if done incorrectly can result in feelings of loneliness and being cut off from your colleagues. The irregular routine compared to what you may be used to may also be a source of unhappiness for many. Even little things such as a strange sleeping pattern or lack of physical activity can be a cause of great stress. However, with the right help – see our previous blogs here – all those starting out on their remote working journey will feel at ease in no time.

Have a homeworking space.

As silly as this may sound, “working” horizontally on your couch might not be the most productive way of working. However, this may become a reality for some of you as time goes on, and as you sink into the couch, your quality of work will sink also. This is why it is imperative to have a space in the home specifically for work purposes. Not only will it allow you to produce your most efficient work, but also let you be mentally prepared for a day of work, something that a couch will not.

Assume business as usual

While it may be difficult to go about your working life at home the same way you would at the office, not all aspects of your working day have to change. Get dressed, have set working hours and above all else, take advantage of your lunch break.; just as you would in the office. Go outside for some fresh air, eat away from the computer and try to enjoy the extra time in your home while it lasts.

Make the most of your time away from work

The vast majority of us work ourselves to the bone, and have very little time to enjoy the other things in life that bring us joy. However, working at home allows various other benefits to other people, such as commuters. With the morning commute just a short trip across the hall, this allows you to do a number of things either before or after your working day, such as physical activity or spending time with those in your life; both of which not only will improve your personal life but also improve your work life too.


It appears that many of us will be working from home for the foreseeable future, and perhaps even after the Coronavirus pandemic is over. While initially it will be a struggle for some to adapt to a new working environment, I have no doubts that using these tips will make for happy homeworking.