No Blue Monday Here

Fiona Macintyre – 21st January 2019

Mid Jan – the point where Christmas becomes a distant memory and summer seems a long way away – it’s no wonder today is referred to as Blue Monday. How are those NY resolutions coming along? Managing to stick to them or have you abandoned them already?

Apparently the mid Monday in January or Blue Monday as today is known is the recognised date when post-Christmas bills, dark winter nights, cold weather and the abandonment of resolutions all collide.

Not exactly a day for celebration then. So – we could pull the duvet back over our heads today or we could have an anti-blue Monday and embrace whatever challenges that come our way by looking at something our customers call “a true office revolution”

Who’s with me on the positivity? No – let me convince you then.

Take Back Control

Getting workload under control isn’t something that should only be consigned to a new year resolution and forgotten about, it’s a way of working that means any business challenge or project can be faced head on, tackled and overcome.

We hear from clients time and again that they came to us because they had a challenge to solve, had been given a big project to tackle or generally were so swamped with tasks and activities they just needed help to take back control

They were wasting valuable time and resources on the wrong things but since switching to MG some have reported productivity improvements of up to 70%. George Whyte, Programme Manager at Honeywell explains why:

“I cannot remember an application that made such a positive impact on my day-to-day work. The benefits for me are the ability to capture information instantly and move through processes rapidly”

Some people aren’t convinced about mind mapping as an essential business tool and if that is the case – it’s time to think again. over to George again:

“MindGenius comes into it’s own because it is built around mind mapping. As a practical example, I attended a customer meeting a couple of weeks ago and throughout the meeting took copious notes around the agenda and topics of discussion. After the meeting, I added more information, actions, dates and resources, sent all the actions and saved the map as a word document with no greater effort than two clicks of a mouse – that is the power of MindGenius.”

“MindGenius improves my efficiency not only by reducing the time it takes to get the job done as much as 70%, but also the quality of the information is much better because of the fast and flexible way it’s captured.”

Take any challenge facing your business and consider the following:

  • Do you know all the details on the current situation and can lay your hands on facts and figures or are you basing your thoughts on assumptions rather than fact
  • Have you explored all of the possibilities available and assessed what would be the right way to proceed – how would you approach that exercise
  • How are you managing the actions that will be taken to overcome this challenge
    With a mind map – all of the points above can be tackled quickly to get to the root of what you want to achieve.

Set out the intended outcome, explore the current situation and gather the facts, collate all possible scenarios for tackling the challenge and then assess these for the least effort / highest impact that will be taken forward as the best solution before finally getting to the actions.

It is the organised, structured approach which ensures you are in control at all times.

  • In control of challenges and one off projects, and
  • In control of your own workload and your team
  • MG doesn’t have to be a prescriptive 3 step process. Yes you can explore anything with the mind map and manage the resultant actions all within the one tool. Or you can explore and decide on your best way forward while managing the actions in whatever is your preferred task or project management tool.

The key point is that MG helps to make sure you make informed decisions and puts you in control.

Without that, there is a tendency to dive in and start working on tasks which may not be the right ones – when that happens there is waste.

  • wasted effort
  • wasted time
  • wasted resource

Try MindGenius completely free for 14 days – try a real challenge facing your business and explore the solution using MindGenius – we think you will be amazed by the results – but don’t take my word for it – I’ll leave the last word to George:

“This software is one of the true ‘office revolutions’, I could not envisage anyone who could not improve how they work or indeed their personal lives using MindGenius.”

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