Never Miss a Deadline Again: Achieve Timely Project Completion

Many managers today find themselves in a situation where not only are they expected to be experts in their chosen field but are also required to be proficient in project management.  That can be a daunting prospect when you don’t consider yourself to be a project manager.  

Being a manager doesn’t guarantee a person will possess the necessary organisation skills required to keep on top of multiple projects, tasks and team members. In reality, if the basics of project management are not in place then the likelihood is that deadlines will be missed repeatedly, pressure mounts to get things done and stress levels are high. That’s not an environment anyone would want to be working in. 

Fortunately, there is help for people who aren’t natural project managers but are required to manage projects. Task management software is the ideal solution as it works as a guide through a process to keep projects on track and provides visibility for everyone involved. 

With MindGenius Online, you are able to plan, schedule and deliver from one central location


Planning brings many benefits, particularly the ability to break projects down into smaller more manageable tasks and it is a way to organise thoughts and choose the best solution to move forward instead of diving into unnecessary tasks which may not be the right thing to do in the long term.


A seamless transition from thinking to doing by organising your chosen solution into a timeline means you can effortlessly prepare and adjust a schedule to suit your resource and delivery commitments, identify blockages and areas where further resource is required. The benefit of this is that you can commit to a realistic timescale for all deadlines.


When it comes to delivery, you can organise your plan into a task board to suit your process. From here, you can track progress, communicate with team members and quickly see any issues as they arise, meaning you can address them before they become a major problem that will result in another missed deadline.


Finally, communication around tasks are all carried out within the tool itself, ensuring visibility for all. It’s all too easy for conversations to be missed if they are lost among an endless list of emails and often, not everyone in the team will be copied on all communication. With comments related to tasks all included in MindGenius Online at a task level, every team member has full visibility at all times.

The transition between planning, scheduling and delivery in Barvas make it the ideal task management tool for people who aren’t experts in project management.

Take the stress out of your task and team management activities and try MindGenius Online for free for 14 days. Let us show you how it can help you avoid missed deadlines by staying on top of tasks with accurate status 24/7.

See yourself the difference MindGenius will make in your projects...

During your free trial we’ll show you how MindGenius Online will make project management simpler, more complete, and more enjoyable…. 

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