SPIN Selling Mind Map
SPIN Selling stands for Situation, Problem, Implication, Pay-off. This method was designed to take away some of the ambiguity and difficulty when closing a sale. Use this template to map out the element of your product/service.

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1. Situation
1.1. Facts needed to sell
1.2. Tell me how….
1.3. Minimise qty
1.4. Don’t dilly dally
2. Problem
2.1. Present situation
2.2. Solution you bring
2.3. Always a solution to a problem
2.4. If not – no sale
3. Implication
3.1. most powerful
3.2. Introduce solutions late
3.3. Induce pain into buyer
4. Pay-off
4.1. Solutions
5. Positive implications
6. Buyer tells you
7. Turn it round